On my way back to my car last night I saw some rad stickers on the back of a stop sign downtown. It hit me like a brick in the face-- free advertisement.
Some might consider this vandalization. But I'd prefer beautification. A sticker isn't going to hurt anyone, it isn't permanent, it's not a threat. If you think it is you might want to stay inside...
Luckily my house has been stocked with a plethora of crafting & art supplies since the days I spent sucking my thumb. It wasn't hard to dig out some sheets of printable sticker paper. I whipped up a design that advertises my media and got those babies ready for today. I asked my best friend to come along, she's got a great eye for photography & a brand new camera she'd been wanting to test out. We thought it'd be interesting to document the process~
& it was. We adventured all around downtown Saratoga Springs NY, scoping out the perfect places to leave my mark. I learned a few things:
First off, I never really looked at my town as particularly artsy. It's sort of a ritzy area, and tourist based in the summer. But hunting for places that were already marked (anyone who still thinks I'm a vandalizing monster can relax, I only put them in spots where others had gotten to first) opened my eyes a bit. Sure, Saratoga Springs is no Portland Oregon. But it's subtly marked in ways I'd overlooked for years. I've been so hell bent on leaving this place after graduation in search for a more artistic community, but I hadn't seen the full beauty of the place I've been living in. I encourage you to try & spot the little things, art is everywhere, sometimes hidden, and artist communities can grow.
I was also happy to find another artist reach out & help. We were stopped by a woman in the middle of photographing an alleyway where I had stuck my sticker above some graffiti, she asked what we were taking pictures of. We told her we were trying out our new cameras by practicing on the local graffiti. Bursting with enthusiasm, she took a look at both of our cameras & showed us various settings/focusing techniques to shoot with.
& this is exactly what I wish all artists would do, just help each other out. I know that sounds so goody goody you're probably gagging yourself with a spoon but seriously.
We're not really working against one another in my opinion. Everyone's style & take on things is different, so I would say it's incomparable. I have friends who see things geometrically and digitally in a way I can't, but you can learn a lot from minds unlike your own. Their art is different than mine but who can say whose is better? I see no shame or hesitation in passing along tips, recognition, & thoughts to the artists around me, and doing more of this is my goal.
Validated today, I feel like I'm growing as a person along with my artistic presence. Keep feeding off your surroundings, your friends and supporters, your vibrations~
Grow with me buds,
xoxo Rose