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Coming full circle

I have love for all four seasons, because each makes me appreciate the next. It's a beautiful cycle, and as things here in Upstate New...

Surrendering, in a good way

Wait...wave the white flag?? You think I'm crazy now, don't you? Why the hell would you want to surrender anything in your art? You've...

Productivity, you know, that thing

"Since I have SO much free time right now, I can get started on all those projects and hobbies I never had time for before!! Woopie!"...

So who the hell is this chick, anyway?

To put it simply, I'm Violet Rose. Violet's been this alter ego I've had since I was 10 that's acted as my voice and a paper...

Dusting off the old diary

As I dust off this blog (it's ONLY been 4 years), I dream of sipping on a coffee from Uncommon Grounds while I type. I say dream because,...

Artists beautify, not vandalize.

On my way back to my car last night I saw some rad stickers on the back of a stop sign downtown. It hit me like a brick in the face--...

Arting. How does one do?

How does one art? A wise friend once told me contemporary artists sit on their canvasses with crayons under their ass till they melt. I...

Uncategorize yo'self.

How would I describe the group of people my art would appeal to? Hopefully those with a good sense of humor... I've never been a big fan...

The beginnings

Hello lovelies & uglies~ After a year spent in conflict I have begrudgingly made the decision that it's about time I start getting on...

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