As I dust off this blog (it's ONLY been 4 years), I dream of sipping on a coffee from Uncommon Grounds while I type. I say dream because, as we have all come to begrudgingly accept, hardly anything is open to the public right now. Dear Covid-19, you suck. Thank god us social creatures have the internet. Usually, I like to let my art do the talking for me, but now more than ever I believe it is important to share with one another.
In these uncertain times, I've been doing a lot of self-reflection. I'm 24 now, I'm having a baby in August with the love of my life, and art is still my favorite thing in the world besides the human I'm incubating and the person who helped spawn it. So what is it that has continued to inspire me to create over the passing years? I like that art, being a visual language, helps me work out the things going on in my head in a healthy and productive way. I like that the ability to do such a thing brings excitement and happiness into other's lives as well. The ability to share and connect in this unique way is why I feel so compelled to do more of it during this pandemic. So many people are effected by the inability to go to work and the isolation it brings, so many people are questioning what this will all mean for our future. I wonder what raising a baby will be like in a distanced world? But as I say "distanced", I am reminded that this truly is not the case. It's been beautiful watching everyone do their part to help the community, on small and large scales.
We all have creativity; this is not something reserved for artists such as myself. Finding yours may seem impossible, but think of how many creative solutions to things you come up with on a daily basis in order to move forward? I encourage you all to seek out that creative space within you and pull it to the forefront. We can get through this together :)
Until tomorrow Buds,
xoxo Rose